Saturday, 24 October 2015


Entrepreneurs are individuals who are develop an enterprise and can be defined as a person who operates a business that is successful. Moreover, entrepreneurial is a process of creating something new and different for the purpose of creating wealth for individuals and add value to the community. It can create job opportunities, cause economic growth, and provides strength to small business.

The objective of this assignment is to provide an understanding and importance of the enhancement of entrepreneurial skills and personal qualities with supportive evidence by linking to successful entrepreneurs in Malaysia and the world. So, in this assignment will introduce the successful entrepreneurs been find out who are Dato Steven Sim, Walt Disney, Howard Schulz, Ray Kroc, Jack Ma, Bill Gate, Mark Zuckerberg, Ananda Krishnan and Fareeda Zakariah.

In economic theory the role of the entrepreneur is one of being financial risk in economic development of specific area. This assignment enable student to identify and analyze the entrepreneur’s embodied entrepreneurial skill. Every entrepreneur has their own characteristics which can help them to success their career and business. So, we will explain the relevant entrepreneurial traits and how entrepreneurs apply it in their business perspective. 

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